Why Vend Bagged Ice?



Ice Vending IS The Future of ICE Sales !!!

You can be part of the $4 Billion packaged ice industry!

Because of the convenience and quality of ice vending machines, consumers everywhere are quickly choosing ice vending to meet their packaged ice needs.  Kooler Ice machines make, store, bag and dispense FRESH ICE(& Water)on demand 24/7 – so customers can purchase ice quickly and conveniently, when they need it, without having to go inside and wait in line. And their popularity is growing!

  • The product is made On-Site by the Machine Open 24/7 – Without an attendant

  • No inventory to be ordered or monitored

  • Requires no employees and Ice & Water sales are “recession-proof” industries

  • Generates immediate cash flow

  • Low Up Front Investment

  • No limit to its income potential

If you already own a business, it is a great way to maximize the return on your current location by adding an additional revenue stream. In addition, it is a curb-side convenience to add for your existing customers, and it can also draw new potential customers to your business.If you are thinking about starting a business, it is a great way to bring in additional income without sacrificing all of your free-time to manage a business. The machines cost about what a car costs but begin paying for themselves immediately!